I enjoy listening to music that will motivate and relax me while I’m coding. I love film scores...
Developer & Tech Enthusiast
Force.com – Managing Streaming Topics
Josh Birk has written a very interesting article on creating a Visual Force page to manage...
Blackberry 10 – Developer 10k Commitment Extended
RIM should be very proud of how they have worked with the development community to build an...
REALbasic Release 4 Out Now
Real Software have released a new version of REALbasic 2007 with a number of bug fixes and enhancements. I have yet to test run this version but you can find out more at their web site.
Sparkle for REALbasic
declareSub have released a wrapper for the Sparkle Cocoa Library. You can find more details at: http://www.declaresub.com/article/67/sparkle-for-realbasic
How to make a Geek Meal
My wife and I are really not into cooking and we often open the fridge door to see what we can make from the ingredients. Now life has got so much easier with a fun web site called Snacksby. Just enter your the food items you have available into the box and the site...
Planning Your Work Day
Not sure what you want to do at work today, well choose one of these two options:
Visual Studio Rails TextMate Theme
Rob Conery has been playing with Jon Lam's Vibrant Ink theme for Visual Studio and made some color improvements. Read More
Visual Basic User Group 2007 Conference
I'm off to Microsoft Reading on 17th and 18th October for the VBUG 2007 Conference. With a lot of new functionality in Visual Studio 2007 and VB, I am looking forward to this conference and meeting other .NET developers.
24 Tips To Becoming An Early Riser
Since I've become a full-time freelancer, I've found one of the hardest things to do is to get up early. Without the threat of being fired, there just hasn't been a whole lot of motivation to get out of bed in a timely fashion.read more | digg story
GTD for Blogger’s
WebWorkerDaily has some recommendations on how to use GTD for blogger's. It's a cut down version of the full GTD and has some interesting suggestions.
Starting Your Own Business
Veerle's blog posted a very interesting entry "What I learned from starting my own business". I attempted to start my own freelance business about 6 years ago and it failed as I didn't have a clue how to run a business. This time I am older and wiser and have treaded...