At the weekend I spent time thinking about the direction of this blog and where I wanted it to go in the future.
Currently there is no direction except for being a general tech and media information site with everything feeling bitty. So I looked at the areas I would be excited about to publish and provide a service to the pro/enthusiast/hobby developer.
The decision is that I will be focusing on web applications, but from a different perspective.
I will be researching web app’s that provide API features and will be demonstrating these in this blog in text and video form.
It’s all about having fun with these technologies, mashing and thinking up new ways to take advantage of the features available.
These web app’s will also be reviewed in terms of the technology used to build them and where they are heading.
Along with all this there will be a new web site design and community features.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated and you can contact me via email or iChat at
Here’s to the future….