Social Networks for Learning Programming Languages

This week I decided to start learning Spanish as our summer holiday is a vacation to Tenerife, so I cam across a cool site called soZiety. The idea behind this site is to use Skype to learn your chosen language with other members.

This got me thinking how it would be a great idea to use a similar concept to learn to program a new programming language like Ruby, VB.NET, PHP and more. Somehow producing a more interactive network using some screencast or sketchwindow features.

Maybe there’s some feature of the language you don’t understand or you get an error in your code you cannot resolve.

I’m thinking IRC chat with much more interactivity…..

So as you know I can’t start on an idea without having a name.

Drum roll please…… is the name for this project. Watch this space for more information and the logo. Don’t ask me why but I can’t move forward with an idea without a name and logo. I know I’m strange….

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