
Developer & Tech Enthusiast

Top rated VR headsets for 2024

Virtual reality technology extends into work productivity, with headsets like Meta Quest 3, Immersed Visor, and Apple Vision Pro offering a mix of affordability, performance, and comfort.

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Let Your Developers Grow

I have had the privilege to have worked for some amazing companies through my years as a developer, especially while contracting. The spark that got me motivated was learning new languages that would help me build solutions even more rapidly and simply than the...

Coding to Music

Have you ever noticed that your coding is affected by both your surroundings and how you are feeling on an emotional level. Music can play a very important role as a developer. It's important that you choose right music to listen while you are focusing. Sing Along!...
A New Direction

A New Direction

At the weekend I spent time thinking about the direction of this blog and where I wanted it to go in the future. Currently there is no direction except for being a general tech and media information site with everything feeling bitty. So I looked at the...

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Just been listening to an interesting webcast from NASA where people submitted questions to one of the STS-117 Astronaut's. One question was about what they use to relax and listen on during missions. They can't use a standard iPOD as there is no way to charge the...

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My views on the WWDC Keynote

My views on the WWDC Keynote

It's been a few days now and I have had time to listen to podcasts and watch they keynote speech. The new Leopard release looks fantastic to me. The new finder is something that was desperately needed and they have done a great job with this. Being a .NET developer as...

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