
Developer & Tech Enthusiast

Top rated VR headsets for 2024

Virtual reality technology extends into work productivity, with headsets like Meta Quest 3, Immersed Visor, and Apple Vision Pro offering a mix of affordability, performance, and comfort.

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Let Your Developers Grow

I have had the privilege to have worked for some amazing companies through my years as a developer, especially while contracting. The spark that got me motivated was learning new languages that would help me build solutions even more rapidly and simply than the...

Coding to Music

Have you ever noticed that your coding is affected by both your surroundings and how you are feeling on an emotional level. Music can play a very important role as a developer. It's important that you choose right music to listen while you are focusing. Sing Along!...

Social Networks for Learning Programming Languages

This week I decided to start learning Spanish as our summer holiday is a vacation to Tenerife, so I cam across a cool site called soZiety. The idea behind this site is to use Skype to learn your chosen language with other members. This got me thinking how it would be...

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Slingshot Available

Slingshot Available

A little while ago I wrote about the wave of tools to allow web developers to produce desktop applications using web languages like JavaScript, Flex, Ruby on Rails. Being a Rails developer I was very excited to hear that Joyent where going to be releasing the...

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Blackberry Curve – Cool

Blackberry Curve – Cool

I am a big fan of Blackberry and use a 7100i to push my email and some blogs via RMail. The new Blackberry Curve has some great new features including instant messaging built in. I would still like to see RSS push built into the service, the same way as email. RMail...

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Hobo Framework for Ruby on Rails

Hobo Framework for Ruby on Rails

Last night I had my geek hat on again and downloaded the Hobo Framework gem after hearing about it on the Rubyoligy podcast. Watching their quicktime videos gives you an insight into how cool this framework/plugin actually is, so I recommend you start there first. As...

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IronRuby – Ruby on the .NET Platform

Even if your not into .NET development it is still good news for the Ruby world that Microsoft is creating a DLR called IronRuby. You may recognise this as there is already IronPython and I would think a whole host of new implementations now that DLR has gone open...

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Preserving History

Preserving History

After the sad loss of my cat at the weekend I started to think how I could preserve the past for my future family. It's always fascinating to look though old photo's of my family from the past and I decided to preserve this history. The plan is to scan all my old...

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Microsoft Mix’07

When it comes to technology I try not to be one sided and enjoy developing for both Windows and Mac OS X. With that said, it's time for some Microsoft fun at Mix'07. I would have loved to be part of the community this year but this will be limited to being online....

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