Today I wanted to create an app that would allow me to add my activity so that I can analyse my...
Developer & Tech Enthusiast
Released Expensy, my first Windows Phone App
I originally wrote Expensy for myself as I just wanted to keep track of my total outstanding Cash....
Top Apps RIM Need to Release with BB10
The week has finally arrived where RIM will showcase there new BB10 OS and devices on 30th...
If only we had Barack running for Prime Minister
The current Birtish Prime Minister and future running give our country no inspiration. We need someone like Barack Obama to bring a breath of fresh air to the government.
Virtual Villages 3 Potions
Anyone interested into Virtual Villages 3 and needs some help on potions, my wife has kindly let me publish them from her secret book. I have included all her experiments and marked the best ones in green. Disclaimer: Sometimes potions go weird, just try them again....
WinDev 12 – New Features Part 1
Here's a quick list of all the new features in WinDev 12. If you would like more information then I recommend downloading the 500 New Features PDF. JIT Technology - up to 1,500% gain. New Look and redesigned dialogs in the IDE. The Developers Email application is now...
Southpark – Mac vs PC
Google Calendar Sync with Outlook
I am currently working on an experiment to have most of my app's I use on a day to day basis online. Unfortunately this does not include my development tools but more productivity and social applications. One of the features I needed was to sync my work calendar with...
Snow in London
Woken up to snow in London. It's not exactly Canada but exciting all the same.
Building an OpenXML Document in WinDev – Part 1
This week I had a requirement to generate formatted document for Word 2007 and thought now would be a great time to learn the new OpenXML format. This means I don't have to use the automation process and it gives me full control over how the document looks, without...
Populating a WinDev Table from a SQL Server View
It's not possible to add a SQL Server View in WinDev 11 to the Analysis file, so here is a simple way to do this using a few lines of WLanguage code. First we create a Data Source which we can then map to our table component. Now lets get the data from the SQL Server...