iPhone Takes the Fun Out of Coding

ban Once again the news has spread about the Apple Store rejecting this time the Opera Web browser. I have said this before, Apple are becoming what Microsoft was years ago and that concerns me.

Last week we purchased an HTC Touch Pro for some in house development and I had forgotten how much fun it is to develop on Windows Mobile.

I know the UI is not slick like the iPhone, but I have control over all the phones features and can develop any application I like without getting the Phone manufacturers approval.

Who would want to spend months developing an application, only to be rejected by the App Store and no other way to distribute it.

The close door approach that Apple is taking will inevitably be their downfall. I have seen it so many times that it’s incredible they still do it.

We live in a growing world of openness and collaboration. If a company wants to succeed they need to embrace this.

I never thought I would see Microsoft do this, but they have and developers are flocking back to the giant.

It’s not to late for Apple to see the light but I would say the current bureaucracy within the company will defend any attempt to become more open and trust the community.

For me, I am foregoing the iPhone for now and once again enjoying the open window from Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Blackberry and many more.

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