
Microsoft’s new Mashup Tool

Just read an interesting post from Scobble that Microsoft have just created a new mashup tool. Apparently they built a version of TwitterVision to demonstrate its power. I haven’t had

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Voki – Tron Yourself

Here’s a fun website to create your very own animated character of yourself, including your own voice. I’m creating one now to add onto my weblog 🙂 http://www.voki.com/ Spread the

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GotoCodecamp.com / Hobo – Update

Well it’s been very busy at work at the moment but I have been continuing on with the GotoCodecamp.com using the Hobo Framework. I am now working on some CSS styling

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REALBasic Podcast

I have been using Realbasic for a while now for some internal applications but I am soon to go live with some Shareware application. Realbasic is a very cool solution

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Slingshot Available

A little while ago I wrote about the wave of tools to allow web developers to produce desktop applications using web languages like JavaScript, Flex, Ruby on Rails. Being a

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