Rails and OpenID
The OpenID movement looks like its really picked up in the last month. With this in mind I have registered at MyOpenID and wanted to learn about integrating this technology […]
The OpenID movement looks like its really picked up in the last month. With this in mind I have registered at MyOpenID and wanted to learn about integrating this technology […]
I just learned something new from MacHelp from Maui podcast. (You are welcome to correct me on this) PC’s are not good for graphics design as they resolution is typically
With Apollo out of the bag we are now seeing other tools performing similar functionality. The one that has caught my eye today is Slingshot by Joyent. As a Ruby on
Tumblr is an interesting new blogging website. I often want to add bits of information I read about, but my mail blog really isn’t the place for these types of
I often wonder what it would be like to work for a small startup web development shop. Being totally glued to the Rockstartup video blog by PayPerPost, I see into
I am very excited! Just received an email from Joost.com to let me know that they will be adding more testers soon and one of them will be me 🙂
The rumors are spreading already that this security patch means that Leopard is going to be released within the month. Let’s hope so as I am getting pre Leopard jitters.
Recently I have become more interested in web design so that I can combine it with my development skills. I have been learning about good CSS practices, Ajax & JavaScript
How do you keep a programmer in the shower all day? Give him a bottle of shampoo which says “lather, rinse, repeat.” It has been a long time in the
It was my wifes 40th birthday at the weekend and she wanted to do something with the family. What better way than to get the Disney experience or so I