Happy New Year Go2Web2 and Fellow Jews
Shana Tova to the Go2Web2 Team http://go2web2.blogspot.com/2007/09/happy-new-year-web-20-style.html Spread the love
Shana Tova to the Go2Web2 Team http://go2web2.blogspot.com/2007/09/happy-new-year-web-20-style.html Spread the love
The RailsEnvy guys do a pretty outrageous parody of the Mac vs PC ads, this time with Ruby on Rails vs DJango. read more | digg story Spread the love
Real Software have released a new version of REALbasic 2007 with a number of bug fixes and enhancements. I have yet to test run this version but you can find
declareSub have released a wrapper for the Sparkle Cocoa Library. You can find more details at: http://www.declaresub.com/article/67/sparkle-for-realbasic Spread the love
My wife and I are really not into cooking and we often open the fridge door to see what we can make from the ingredients. Now life has got so
Not sure what you want to do at work today, well choose one of these two options: Spread the love
Rob Conery has been playing with Jon Lam’s Vibrant Ink theme for Visual Studio and made some color improvements. Read More Spread the love
I’m off to Microsoft Reading on 17th and 18th October for the VBUG 2007 Conference. With a lot of new functionality in Visual Studio 2007 and VB, I am looking
Since I’ve become a full-time freelancer, I’ve found one of the hardest things to do is to get up early. Without the threat of being fired, there just hasn’t been
WebWorkerDaily has some recommendations on how to use GTD for blogger’s. It’s a cut down version of the full GTD and has some interesting suggestions. Spread the love