Shrook – My choice of RSS Reader for the Mac

I have tried a few RSS readers, both online and offline and have finally come to love Shrook.

I can’t remember how I found this cool FREE app, but I remember the reasons. I was testing out NetNewsWire but was unhappy with the interface (this includes the Beta 3 version).

The way I use RSS is I skim through the posts until something attracts me. If it’s reasonably short I will read it, otherwise I want to put it to one side until I have time.

Shrook has a great and simple way to deal with this for me. I create any number of Scrap Books which I can then drag a post into. Simple as that.

Shrook has other great features like integration with Growl so I get cool little bubbles telling me about new posts. They have done this nicely by just showing the feed name and how many new posts had just been captured.

Another feature is that Shrook can detect when a RSS feed URL is being redirected somewhere else, like Feedburner. It will then prompt you if you want to change the feed URL to this location. This makes sense as you will get speed improvements over redirection.

I am still getting to know this product more but I am much happier with it over other products, especially the interface that keeps the clutter to a minimum.

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