Virtual Villages 3 Potions

Anyone interested into Virtual Villages 3 and needs some help on potions, my wife has kindly let me publish them from her secret book. I have included all her experiments and marked the best ones in green.

Disclaimer: Sometimes potions go weird, just try them again.

Plants Key:

BO – Black Orchid
C – Cactus
L – Lotus
TL – Tiger Lilli
R – Rose
P – Pitcher Plant (Nature Faction Only)

2*C + TL = Bitter
2*BO + TL = Faint
2*BO + L = Sore Tummy
2*BO + R = Blew Up

BO + BO + BO = Yikes

L + P + L = Trance / Epiphany
C + P + C = Blew Up

P + P + P = Blew Up
P + BO + P = Sleepy
P + P + TL = Not feeling well
P + P + R = Feel Better
P + P + L = Feel Better
P + P + C = Feel Better

P + BO + BO = Get rid of sharks
P + C + BO = Nasty, It’s Bitter
P + C + TL = Nasty, It’s Bitter
P + C + L = Feels Better
P + C + R = Blew Up

R + P + R = Soapy
R + R + BO = A bit lonely / Feels down
R + R + TL = Stinky breath

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