WebDev and Chome AutoComplete Issues

by | Nov 18, 2019 | WebDev | 0 comments

Sometimes I come across this very strange issue when I create a page in WebDev and the fields are autocompleted as if they are user name and password.

From my investigations into this issue, I believe it has something to do with the way that WebDev handles HTML element naming. Even though you have named an edit field something unique, this is not the ID/name used when it generates the HTML. Instead, it generates an Alias name, for example A10.

To overcome conflict with Chrome autocomplete, a neet trick I found is to do the following:

Set the control to read-only:

Finally, add code to the browser onfocus event to make the edit field active:

You will find now that Chrome will not autocomplete your field and all is well in the world of WebDev.

Please do share this tip with the world…

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